Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Today is 09-09-09 !

Today is a very special day because it is Sept. 09, 2009, (09-09-09), a very rare day and I want to document it so I printed the date on the paper and asked my nephew to take a photo of me. Remember that lucky 9 is a lucky no.
Silly me, I even asked my mom to pose with me. When I also saw my 2 other nephews came home from their school (look, they have not put down their bags yet), I told them to pose for a while and it seems they are baffled why on earth I want them to hold that piece of paper..LOL
Anyway, I woke up a bit early and work on some online works already. I was so inspired to write this morning so I decided to stay at home to do more works. I am very productive because I have no destruction as I am home alone. It was only around 1:30 pm when I decided to stop and head over here at my shop.

I had a very late lunch at around 2:30 pm, passed by Jollibee to buy chicken and there I was so hungry having a very late lunch. Happy 9-9-9 everyone. Hope it's lucky for yah.


  1. oh, yeah. didn't realize that. I'm not so keen with dates anymore. i don't even know the difference between night and day. so much for being a work at home mom, right?

    this is so creative. ^^ fun fun! have a great day!

  2. I was here Ate Jen! Super great idea!

  3. 9/9/09 was fun.

    Bring on 10/10/10, 11/11/11 & 12/12/12. The last time it will happen for 988 years.


Hi everyone thanks for the visit. Pls. leave some comments here, it'll bring smile on my face. HAVE A GREAT DAY!