Wednesday, June 6, 2012

School Year 2012-2013 Starts

School Year 2012-2013 here in the country already has started on June 4. Students are back to school after almost 2 months of taking their summer school vacation. A lot of students are eager to go back to school while others are still having some hang-over from their vacation. Unfortunately not all schools are prepared especially those in public schools for there are some schools that still lack school rooms, books, teachers. It's so sad to know that some of the classes have more than 50 students to 1 teacher per room. Not only the rooms are not prepared but I think a lot of students, parents and even teachers are not prepared for the new K+12 education system that started this year. I hope the government can address all the issues.

Anyway, I just heard at the news that a Chinese school in Manila is implementing a rfid, Radio-frequency identification (RFID) system on their student IDs. Once the student enters the premises of the school using his ID, a text message will be sent to their parents allowing them to know that their child is already in the school. This is done as one of the precautionary measures in their school.

1 comment:

  1. Where did they buy that? What a great idea! :-)


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