Friday, September 28, 2012

Sophie’s Make-Over


My Shitzu-Daschund mix-breed dog Sophie got her full grooming make-over just over a week ago. Actually, she was scheduled by February but since I accidentally cut her skin  (ouch!) while I’m trimming her coat and I already saw that her coat is not in good condition anymore that is why I decided to take her to her vet asap.

It was hard and sad for me to leave her at the grooming clinic as she was crying when I put her on the cage. I know she doesn’t want to be left there. Since she’s not easy to manage while she’s being groomed, groomer always sedate her with the assistance of a veterinary.

After few hours, Sophie is fresh and clean already while sporting her summer cut doggy look Still groggy from sedation, I have no choice but to cuddle her and assure her that she’s still beautiful even though she’s BALD.. hahahaha. I remember mom and cousin asking me if “She’s the same dog?”

Don’t worry bebe your coat will grow back in few more months. Promise, by Christmas time, your coat will be long again.


Poor Sophie, she looks so sad.


  1. Dog is my number one favorite pet aside from cat. Thanks for featuring this article on your blog..

  2. Aww kalbong kalbo pala sya teh. LOL

  3. Aaaaw. Saka di ba presko naman yan for her? Siguro feeling panget or naked sya. :(

  4. Don't worry Sophie, it'll grow long again :)

  5. Feel better soon Sophie! She really looks different minus her coat.


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