Friday, February 22, 2013

Bed Weather

I woke up this morning at around 6 am, it was still dark and it's raining.. yay!

It's my schedule to walk with Sophie at 6:30 am and later on at my aero-zumba class at 7:00am but with the continuous rains, how can I go out today? I waited for a while but the rain is never stopping so I end up not going out anymore. I just did my short stretching at our living room for I am used to exercising already. Mom saw me doing my exercise and she did follow me for a while but complained that it hurts . I told her to do some stretching each morning so she can get her dose of daily exercise even just for few minutes.

The rain never stopped until after lunch and I heard in the news that the typhoon just left the country and the rain in Metro Manila and some other areas are  brought about by the easterlies. The weather is so conducive for sleeping and lazing around that's why I immediately went to sleep after lunch.

Right now, the heavy rain just stopped but there's drizzle from time to time.

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